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 Fuchs Traffic Technology, LC.

      "Efficiency through knowledge and experience"


See below for upcoming training classes...



- Training on Basic Traffic, Cabinet Wiring,

   and Troubleshooting.

- Upgrade or modify intersection cabinets.

- Advisory consultation of System selection

- System implementation

     - Coordination

     - Timings

     - Traffic Responsive setup

- Preventive Maintenance

- Advisory Signal Maintenance Operations

- Departmental efficiency assessment




- State

- County

- Municipal

- Consulting Firms

- Electrical Contractors

- Manufacturers

Efficiency Through Knowledge

The goal of Fuchs Traffic Technology is to provide effective solutions designed to improve the efficiency

of your traffic flow at intersections and along corridors.

Solutions tailored specifically to the needs of your jurisdiction whether training, upgrading intersections, preventive maintenance, system solutions, and more.

Check out our custom solutions and services. 

Upcoming Training Information:
Basic Traffic, Cabinet Wiring, Troubleshooting classes:
Please call or email 563-271-8356
email to register
Click on CLASS INFO tabs for more info
please call or email to register

With 37 Years of Experience in the

Traffic Control Industry, providing the best service available.

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